You gain the most weight during PRE-MENOPAUSE, not MENOPAUSE!
The premenopause is the period before the menopause.
Hormonally active women live under the alternating dependence of two hormones: oestrogen, the feminine hormone, and progesterone, the maternal hormone.
The premenopause begins underground, on average at the age of 41, when progesterone production slowly declines until it stops completely.
This gradual extinction is spread over 6 to 8 years, and leads to irregular periods, often abundant and sometimes absent.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not at the menopause but during the pre-menopause that most of the weight gain observed during this period occurs.
That’s why we’ve created our PRE-MENOPAUSE SHIELD BOX, designed to limit this weight gain by allowing nibbling to compensate for the usual emotional upsets during this break-up period.
And to compensate for the weight gain, we’ve included one konjac meal a day in this box.
All the products in this BOX are made without sugar or flour, which are the main causes of weight gain.
Dr Pierre Dukan.
This box is full of pleasures with no risk to your weight. It’s a guarantee that you’ll get through this period without gaining weight and with a range of compensatory pleasures.
Breakfast: settle your stomach to avoid uncontrolled cravings
– 1 packet of caramel-flavoured oat bran cereal crunchy nuggets
– 1 packet of chocolate chip oat bran cereal crunchy nuggets
25g/day with a 0% fat dairy product with no added sugar (e.g. skyr 0%, yoghurt 0%, quark 0%…)
The 10am break: the sluggishness!
– 4 boxes of Extra-Gourmand bars. Our best bar!
– 4 boxes of chia seed bars with a chocolate heel. Crunchy chia seeds packed with Omega 3!
1 bar/day
The 4pm break: The second slump of the day!
– 1 packet of chia biscuits
– 1 packet of extra gourmet chocolate and oat bran biscuits
1 biscuit/day
The comfort dinner! The weight loss shield
– 5 sachets of pre-cooked konjac rice pearls. 1/2 sachet = 1 meal
– 10 sachets of konjac shirataki bolognese. 1 sachet = 1 meal
– 5 packets of dried konjac-okara spaghetti containing 2 portions. 1 portion = 1 meal
Konjac, eaten as an evening meal, will calm you down and eliminate the toxins of the day by facilitating your transit.
GIFT 1 Pack of oat bran and chocolate chip biscuits FOR NIGHTTIME GIGGLES!!!!
Normal price = € 214.08
Special price = €180.93