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In August 5% off konjac with code KONJAC5


DUKAN NEW BOUTIQUE is the official Dukan shop.

Its foundation remains the same as it was originally: to provide people with weight problems with products that replace those that have led them to gain weight, just as tasty but without the fattening or addictive effects.

These products are made without white sugar, white flour or ultra-processed ingredients, replaced by ingredients with the lowest glycaemic indexes. As proof of this, 50 of these products have been awarded Nutriscore A, Health’s highest distinction.

It is changing in depth and in five key areas of commitment:

  1. The New Boutique includes all Dukan products without exception. What’s more, it has been expanded to include new products that Doctor Pierre Dukan and his teams have spotted all over the world, and which he has personally approved. One example among many is the tin of hake eggs, a blend of proteins of high biological value and omega3 fatty acids. The same goes for lupin flour, wheat bran, purified gluten, milk proteins for culinary preparations, flavourings, etc.
  2. The New Boutique has adopted a committed pricing policy to ensure that the cost of the products does not act as a brake on their use.
  3. The New Boutique is open to everyone, but it will grant economic advantages to members of the Dukan community because of their close emotional ties with the brand.
  4. In addition, the New Boutique is committed not only to meeting delivery deadlines in full, but also to speeding them up. To make this possible, it will provide its own in-house logistics, storage and postal services, both in France and in other European countries.

and the teams behind

