My original weight was 108kg and I’m currently at 58kg. I’m in my stabilization phase, and by integrating other foods into this phase I’ve been able to stabilize this weight.
I’m still walking several times a week, which isn’t really a sport for me, but it’s having a positive effect.
I’m currently a temp and live in Saône et Loire.
I found out about the Dukan method through my mom, who has always known about it. I said to myself, “I’ve got nothing left to lose, so I might as well give it a try and see what happens”.
The products that have helped me the most are the konjac pearls, which replace rice in a way. I really eat them with everything, with sauces and so on. The snack cookies are great too, and the oat bran is good for the tummy.
I don’t know how to explain what has changed in my life, just about everything. I finally feel beautiful, comfortable in my body. I’ve taken up sport again, which wasn’t really my thing because the slightest effort made me suffer. It’s true that society makes us feel bad, and I couldn’t accept my body the way it was visually. But not to mention the physical aspect, my health wasn’t up to scratch. All the time, my vertebrae were shifting, my knees and ankles were aching, etc., and now I’m in more pain.
I’m not here to give advice, I’ve always been overweight since I was a child. At 14 I was pretty good but my parents got divorced and boom 15kg gained in 1 year. And every year it went up and up until I was 19 and wanted to take on this challenge. The biggest challenge of my life, that’s for sure.
The only thing I would say to young people like me who are overweight is to think about your health. We have a long life ahead of us, and being overweight shouldn’t be taken lightly. Physically, we can accept ourselves as we are, but if it jeopardizes our health, we have to react. I’ve been on a lot of different diets in my life, eating almost nothing and spitting it out, but this diet is honestly the easiest.