I’m 55 and a day in September 2023, but I hadn’t weighed myself for months.
Every time I walked towards the scales, I was terrified at the thought of seeing my weight on the scale.
I decided to weigh myself.
The horror: it read 87 kilos.
I had become, I can say, obese.
I decided to start the Dukan diet with my husband, who weighed 109kg.
4 months later the result was there: 67kg and the desire to keep that weight.
Since then I haven’t gained an ounce! I’m continuing the stabilisation phase and I regularly eat Dukan konjac. My favourite is Konjac Okara spaghetti. Every time I see a weight difference on the scales, I do a day or 2 of PP with konjac. And then it’s all gone. So I’ve just spent 2 and a half months in Corsica… and you can imagine the aperitifs and the rosé.
Well, back home I’d put on 1 kg. I did 2 days of Konjac and
everything disappeared. Oh I forgot Minou, Patrick my husband has lost 22Kg!